Steve Trang Thank you for joining us for today's episode of Real Estate disruptors today, we've got my good buddy Victor Heredia with home offers America if you can believe it, another operator in the Phoenix market and he's here to talk about how he's on pace for two and a half million dollars on the low side, but planning for much more than that through the rest of the year. I am on a mission to create 100 millionaires. The information on this podcast alone is enough to help you become a millionaire in the next five to seven years. If you'll take consistent action, you will become one. Now we know you want to be a highly successful real estate investor. And in order in order to do that, you need to be able to buy more houses consistently at deeper margins. I promise you may not be contracting enough houses or buying them deep enough, which makes you feel frustrated or anxious. We understand how deflating it is to walk out of the house. Without a signed contract. We've helped hundreds of people buy 1000s of houses at deeper margins. And the way to do it, download our proven seller appointment script, learn our proven sales process and buy more houses at the right price. So do we mean the me the worst sales on Instagram. And in the meantime, follow me on instagram consume all our free content, maybe schedule a call with our team to see if we can help you. So you can stop missing out on houses or contracted them too high. And instead never have to worry about revenue again. And this show is brought to you by our sister company invest for lift get access to over 2 million cash buyers across the country go to investor Put in disruptors to get 10% off and even get value today. Please tag a friend below share this episode right now that way we can all we can all grow together. And this is a live show. So please ask your questions for Vic to answer. You Ready? Victor Heredia Ready Steve Trang All right. So first question is what got you into real estate? Victor Heredia I just ran across the believer not Tai Lopez was interviewing Jamie white. Steve Trang Okay. Victor Heredia And he's like doing 100,000 a month and Mike. Okay, what is this guy doing? And that's kind of how I got into it. And of course, then I met other people in the industry. But that's that's how it all started. Steve Trang Yeah. So this is like, you're just kind of like watching YouTube late one night and you see this pop up? Victor Heredia Yeah, yeah. And so he had Jalen on it talking about his business and, and this guy's 18 years old making 100,000 a month, right? Steve Trang Yeah. Victor Heredia Well, like, Okay, what is this guy doing? And he asked me, like, what made me get into real estate. I was just looking to make money. I had an Amazon store. And we did good for a while, but then it got shut down. So I'm like, Okay, well, we got to do something else. Like, I was never content with with the amount of money I was making, you know, you just want a better life. Right? Steve Trang Right. Victor Heredia So I was just looking for something to increase my income to give me a better life. That's, that's what the goal was. Steve Trang Yeah. So you've always kind of got your eye for like, another stream of revenue. Victor Heredia Correct Yeah. Steve Trang Yeah. Because, you know, I don't think a lot of people know how you and I met like, you know, we run this in my circles. But like, when you and I met, I was already wholesaling on the side, but not like really full time. Right. And I was actually door knocking places nearby, nearby my office Victor Heredia next door Steve Trang next door, right to see people that'd be interested. Right. And you were working in the building next door, the building I was working at. And I was like, hey, like, you know, we're I'm a realtor, right? I got a brokerage right down the hall. And, you know, like, what do you do and if you know, anyone buying or selling, but why he's like, Well, actually, not that but I'm in a wholesaling. Oh, okay. You know what wholesaling was talking about that. And you started telling me like, there's this guy in town. Carlos raised like National cash offers. Have you heard of them? Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang I'm all over their content. So it goes way, way back. Victor Heredia Yeah, that's 2018 Steve Trang 2018. Victor Heredia That was an important time as well. Yeah. Steve Trang So Victor Heredia actually, I was just starting. I think we you know, you're already in the business, but I was just starting. Yeah. Steve Trang Yeah. So you were doing it as a side hustle. Victor Heredia Correct. Steve Trang Back then, Victor Heredia for quite a while, as a side hustle. Steve Trang Yeah. So I think for the people that are listening, right, that are, they're kind of like, you know, should I quit and go all in? Or should I like, do this as a side hustle and to make enough money? Victor Heredia Yeah, Steve Trang you want to share your perspective or your experience on that? Victor Heredia Well, I wanted to have, like, I was making, I was making decent money, or, you know, for working for somebody else, right? You know, 80 to 100 a year. I'm like, Okay, well, if I have 80,000 in the bank, I'm gonna, I'm gonna quit. And I got to that point. And I still didn't quit because I was comfortable. Steve Trang Yeah. Victor Heredia Because, you know, my job wasn't, it wasn't I wouldn't say it's easy, but it wasn't. It was it was hard. And it was a family business. So you know, as you know, my, my cousin was the owner. So I kind of felt obligated to stay on board. And then, you know, it was the produce business. So my accounts were hopefully lived in Walmart. So they're big accounts, you know, and I service them. So if I left, the company might affect those relationships, possibly. So I didn't want to do that. Steve Trang So there was additional pressure on you that there's a family business that relies on you Victor Heredia correct? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, everyone's replaceable, but I know, you know, I was important to the to the, to the business, right to the company. So I just I just stayed on board, but once it got to the point where I was making, you know, 50,000 a month. I don't Okay, well, now it's definitely time to Steve Trang go harder to say Victor Heredia to Yeah, it's harder to stay Correct. Steve Trang Yeah. Okay, so Was there anything else specifically that attracted you real estate or it was just like man like if there's anything else that can bring in more revenue? Victor Heredia Well, I was just for me it was just because I because my cousin on this produce company and then his three brothers also have actually, he has three other brothers also have companies and they all were very successful. So I, you know, when you see your cousins are that are multimillionaires, like okay, well, I want to, I want to do that too. Steve Trang Yeah. Victor Heredia I mean, like, you know, if they could do it, I could do it. So that was part of it. But then also, when you start seeing, you know, it's Jaylen white, and then let me Alex signs and then Carlos Reyes and Sasha Kerr. Right. Okay. Like, if these guys can do it, I could do it. I'm not saying I was better than them. I never thought that but I'm like, Thank you do it. I can figure it out. Steve Trang Right, Victor Heredia let's at least get to a small percentage of what they're doing. Steve Trang Yep. Victor Heredia And that's that was it. I was just determined to make it happen. Steve Trang And then before we get into, like, really focusing on real estate, like, produce was produce business, you know, that you think produce like, Okay, I mean, it's like, it's vegetables like, yeah, should be simple business. But I guess it's more cutthroat than, like, what's more cutthroat, like wholesaling or produce, Victor Heredia alright to produce. But Steve Trang so can you talk about that a little bit? Victor Heredia Well, it's kind of there because, you know, it's very competitive. Like you're selling you know, tomatoes, bananas, potatoes. So it's all about price, like, you know, and there's Steve Trang some commodities Victor Heredia ultimate commodity, it's really about price. You know, relationships is a factor of course, if you have, so we were like organic and Fairtrade. So that really helped. Right, but if you're if if you're like a conventional growers, it's tough. It's all about price, unless you have a really good relationship and relationships is key. And in every every business, right. So it's it's definitely cutthroat, but also to, it's a lot of work. And then also, like, at times when we had a warehouse here in Phoenix, you know, if you have $300,000 worth of product in storage, it's going to go bad in 10 days, gives you a high sense of urgency. Steve Trang It's not something you can just like, oh, you know, if it doesn't sell this week, we'll just sell it next week. Victor Heredia It doesn't work that way. You have to you have to sell it one way or another. Right. So, so that really have to, I have a high sense of urgency. So that that really helped train me and made a big difference. I think Steve Trang so So I bought your first real estate deal. Victor Heredia So it was a foreclosure. And I just was I just I was just determined to make it happen, right? I'm like, if these guys can do it, I could do it. So I just started calling foreclosures. Steve Trang Was it 2018? Or was it Victor Heredia 2018? Yeah, Steve Trang okay. Victor Heredia And so it's I find I found one and I had an appointment and I called Carlos. Carlos is really really cool dude. As in alright. So Carlos, I got I think this is the what do you think? And I told me he's like, yeah, do you lock it up, but to do so I locked it up. I met with the sellers and you know, they wanted to sell because they're gonna lose their house anyways. Steve Trang Yep. Victor Heredia And so I locked it up in that very night. I drove the Carl says, in sales office. And, and Sal was there and I'm like, Hey, bro, I gotta I gotta contract. And I had just met with them a week before their you got a contract already. I'm like, Yeah, I know, a lot of guys struggle to get contracts. But from the time I started, I got my first contract in 10 days. Steve Trang Yeah. Victor Heredia But the reason is, is because I study Sean Terry's course flip to freedom. I started that for three months straight. Even my wife was like, don't you think like, you should just go and do it. I'm like, listen, I said, I want to know the business. Because when you understand it completely, like you can move with power. Because because you don't have any trepidations. You're not insecure, you know, the business. And so I did my first deal in 10 days. And then when it gives us out of the contract, he's like, you want a job? So it's kind of cool. Yeah. Steve Trang You think Joe? Victor Heredia No, no, I wanted to work for him. For myself, I think for a little bit like we worked a little bit together. But when I cuz I was, since I came from a corporate background, I saw some things that I think I was able to, I could do better on my own. So I'm like, not, you know, so I just kind of did it on my own. Steve Trang Got it. So, but from when you like, started marketing? About 10 days? Victor Heredia Yeah, Steve Trang 10 days, but there was a period of time of continued education. Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang Right. So, you know, I mean, I already know you're really into personal development, otherwise, you wouldn't be watching, you know, Tai Lopez and stuff like that. How much time did you spend learning before taking the leap? Because I know one of the things that happens is like a balance, right? Take action. Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang Get your ducks in a row. Like, how much time that you spend? Victor Heredia I'd say two and a half to three months. I was studying for like, one to two hours every day, because I wanted to learn the business. And so you know what I did? I saw Jaylen white. And then, you know, I know he was friends with Alex science. And you know, they're part of the Allianz group, right. And so I want to make I'm asking myself what like, were these guys are a young, like, what are they learning from? And so it was I found out it was Sean Terry. So then I took Sean Terry's course. And then to also I, I took their course as well all in chorus, and I did their mentorship, et cetera. So I just I knowledge is everything, right? I mean, if you don't have knowledge, like, there's guys that send me deals now I'm a wholesaler and they're sending me stuff that I'm gonna do this. It's not a deal. It's not even close to do like I could tell they didn't educate themselves. So I think that's critical. Steve Trang What hesitations did you initially face when you started wholesaling? Victor Heredia Well, I wasn't hesitant. I just I, I was dependent. Steve Trang There was make us believe or anything else Victor Heredia know what you know what's interesting. So I was going kind of slow. And it's interesting because it was Carlos again that I think I went to his office. And he's and I don't know, we just mean Carlos clicked, right? And he tells me, yeah, you're, you're probably putting in about 25% effort. Like, what are you talking about? Like, you don't know what I'm doing? He was like, I could just tell about your results. Because you're putting in 25% effort. I'm like, Screw you, man. Like it was kind of funny. And then we're in another time we were having dinner. He was like, Yeah, you're just skeptical. I go, what he's like, you're skeptical. He was you don't think it's possible. I knew what's possible. And I was doing deals. I was making money. But I guess, to a degree, I was skeptical that I could make, you know, six figures a year per class. Right. And, and it's interesting, those two comments, kind of like, you know what I mean? So Steve Trang Right. Victor Heredia So yeah, so I think I owe a lot to Carlos. Steve Trang Yeah. So what was then your first, like, big struggle, big challenge or anything along those lines? Victor Heredia Oh, I think the big struggle is, is doing it all yourself. Right? Like, it gets to the point of, you know, you have to build a team, there's no way to, you know, I can't call for myself to close myself and discipline myself, you know, you need a team. You know, everyone that does really well, that does, you know, six figures plus a month, they need a team. So So I think that was the the challenge and also the turning point. Steve Trang So you're trying to do it all yourself? Victor Heredia Yeah. I'm a little bit of a control freak. Steve Trang Are you Victor Heredia a little bit? Yeah. Steve Trang Okay. So what did you do to get out of your own way? Victor Heredia Just you just realize, like, you can't do it without a team, you know, and any major successful businessman has a team like, you know, Apple is an employee, company of one employee, Steve Trang or I mean, you know that Victor Heredia you know what I mean, Steve Trang we know that we know that. And inherently Victor Heredia Yeah, Steve Trang if you're a control freak, yeah, might be a little harder to let go. Victor Heredia Correct. Otherwise. Steve Trang So what did you do to make it easier for you to let go, because, again, like I look at, we all have different challenges. We all have different struggles. So this is a struggle, you know, for people listening. I'm kind of curious how you got out of that struggle? Victor Heredia Well, one thing I learned, and again, it was from my cousin, his name is Jorge, he, I just realized every morning, he would look at the numbers and look at the reports. And then, you know, he would call you once a week because i Hey, what's up with this? What's up with that? So it's just looking at the KPIs. So I just realized that if I just look at my KPIs for everybody, every week, it shouldn't be an issue. Scaling the business, Steve Trang right? Victor Heredia So that's, that's what really, what really helped that you just realize, like, you have to do it. There's just no way around it. Steve Trang But did you find yourself like, obsessing more on like, Hey, how come this lead hasn't been called seven times? Did you obsess, like actually listening to the calls? Victor Heredia Or? Yeah, no, I would like hey, like, there's only like two dials or three days on this call, like, hey, you've only dial you know, 20 hours this week? Like, yeah, so but every Monday, I would look at that. So Well, initially, more than, you know, twice a week. Steve Trang Yeah. Victor Heredia But yeah, but I was very much about KPIs because it's, it's all about effort, the greater the the effort, the greater the result. Right. So I knew that. So if you're not making an effort, you're not going to get deals. Steve Trang Yeah. Victor Heredia So I was very much kind of a hard answer about that. Steve Trang Well, I think it has to be right. Going back to the urgency like having 300k in produce inventory. Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang If you keep pushing, pushing, pushing, Victor Heredia yeah. Steve Trang So then do you find that you carry that same urgency with him that you're writing? Victor Heredia Well, even more so now, because it's my business, you know, before you know, when you work for someone else, that you might be able to see like, Well, I think if we do this, this and this, we could take it to the next level. But but there's also like, you know, well, I got a boss and you know, I have to kind of do what they say. So you know, you don't have the freedom. Now, if I get an idea, I just run with it. Steve Trang Right? Victor Heredia You know, so it's a little bit different. Steve Trang But do you find like, you know, what, that sense of urgency kind of pushing people do you? Potentially, you know, driving people crazy? Victor Heredia Oh, yeah, for sure. Yeah, like my top acquisition guy. There's been many arguments that we've had. Luckily, we're good friends, like we've been friends since we were 17 years old. So we're like best friend Steve Trang arguments. Victor Heredia I'm just like, hey, you need to do more you need to combine and this and that. And because initially like I he had a lot of talent, because he's actually a better salesman than I am. He's just great at building rapport. People love him. But I'm just I'm a little more driven, I think. But now like, he's like doing really well. And he's and he's like, I think he appreciates he appreciates that. I pushed him so hard, because now he's making really good money. Steve Trang Right? Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang Did you collaborate or you know, join forces with anybody along the way? Victor Heredia Yeah, so initially, I sold I sold my first deal to Carlos and Sal and then I then I talked to some other cash buyers, which gave me really bad vibe. And then Steve Trang does that mean? Victor Heredia What one guy? So, you know, I guess we could take our time, you know? Steve Trang Yeah, Victor Heredia I don't like to be long winded but I guess we could read. So I slept I sent him a deal and he's like, Oh, would you get this at? I'm like, working in pays I would you get it? I'm like, that doesn't matter what do you pay? And he asked me three times when Okay, I'm done with you. They had another guy, tell me do the same thing to me. Like, what would you get for it? And they could tell I was new, right? But I've been in business for 20 years, like, hey, you know, I'm not a dummy either. Steve Trang Alright, Victor Heredia and he's like, Well, you know, what ARV is about 140 I'm like, No, that's not the ARV is like, Well, maybe it's 170. I'm like, No, that's not it either. Steve Trang But they could smell weakness. Victor Heredia Yeah, Steve Trang they could smell inexperience. Victor Heredia Yeah, exactly. Steve Trang Yeah, Victor Heredia I'm like, screw that. So then. So I had I had met Jamil before. And he was just a nice guy. And then I know, he's like, the wholesale King in town. Right. And I just called him and I'm like, Hmm, you know, we met too. And so I got this deal. And he was super cool. He's a great guy is, you know, Steve Trang Oh, yeah. Victor Heredia And he's like, Yeah, bro, we'll pay you this. I'm like, Alright, then then. That was it. And then so the other guy called me is like, he's like, Hey, what's going on with you? I'm like, already sold it. And I think he offered me like 7000 More than Jamil, I think, but because Jamil was just straight and honest. And he was to the point. I'm like, not getting I'm not I'm not gonna. I rather make 7000 less and do business with someone like no, that's to me. It was more important. Steve Trang Yeah. Victor Heredia And then from there, we just start doing a lot of business together. Steve Trang You enjoy mill? Victor Heredia Yeah, with Keighley. Yeah. Steve Trang So your very first deal. You sold the Carlos? Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang That was it. Like you just assigned it to him and done deal. Victor Heredia So it was a JV we split it. It was like 22,000 and we split we got 11 each. Steve Trang Okay, so you split 2211? Cage? Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang Okay. So fairly simple, because they're wholesaling. Victor Heredia Correct. Steve Trang Okay. Where all your deals that easy? Victor Heredia No, initially, they were because then I started just using Keatley to do my dispo. So they're pretty easy. But then, you know, we started, we started having challenges during COVID. So I wanted to keep you for quite a while. And it was good. Like, you know, we made money, they made money, and everybody's happy. You know, but once COVID hit things kind of just really changed. Steve Trang Things change for a lot of people. Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang Can you tell me about early failure, and your journey? Victor Heredia I think early failures is just like, if you're not able to lock up enough deals, or sell the deals. I think the biggest challenge is just really pushing your team to be successful. You know, that's the biggest challenge is like, Hey, listen, guys, you know, if I want you guys to make money, if you make money, I'll make money. Like, you know, that's, that's, I want them to make money first, because then then I'm gonna make money. So for me, that's, that's what's more important. So like, really motivating your team is, I think, is the hardest, the hardest part of the job. Steve Trang Have you figured that out? Victor Heredia No, because I'm not making the kind of money I want to make. But but we're getting better. And so Steve Trang there we're talking about, you know, year to date, or not year to date, and year to last month, you've already closed 1.2 million in fees. Victor Heredia Yeah, yeah. Steve Trang And you currently have another 17 properties in escrow? Victor Heredia Correct. Steve Trang So what are some key, you know, instrumental things to help you get from, you know, doing a few deals, coho selling all of them to getting to, you know, over a million halfway through the year. Victor Heredia So, the key is like, increasing your marketing, right? Increase your marketing. Also, too, you know, you also need to get, you know, more acquisitions, you need more people making offers, right? So we have our primary acquisition managers is Dominic, and he's, he's our primary guy, because he's good, like, he can close deals. But also too, like, I realized that if he has too many leads, is not able to just follow up, right. And so what we started doing, like anything that had more than 30 attempts, I would give it to other acquisition managers. And it's funny, he increased his deal flow and started other guys, because he was focusing on fresh leads. So I think focusing on fresh leads, increasing your marketing, doing one more than one marketing channel. So we do cold calling, we do texting, you know, we do PPC, we do some mail. So a little bit of everything is really the key. You can't just be set in one way of marketing. Steve Trang Yeah. So the first thing was, Don't overload your acquisition managers. Victor Heredia Correct. Steve Trang So one concern with sales guys, particularly top sales guys, sometimes is like, Hey, you're taking food out of my mouth right out of my family's mouths, right? Like, how dare you give my lease to someone else? Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang Was that a challenge here? Victor Heredia No, because we'd like we sat down like, Hey, listen, I'm looking at the deals in escrow. I'm gonna give you notice, like, it's everything that has under like 25 attempts. Like, everything is like that on the second, third, seventh, fifth 10th 11th 12. And then there's a few Up to 25 attempts. I'm like, You should just focus on everything that has under 30 attempts. She's like, Yeah, you're probably right. And so we started doing that. And it did, it didn't make a difference. Steve Trang And he said, increasing marketing. So how many markets are you gonna get right now? Victor Heredia So now we because now it shifted so so we went from like coho salmon with Kiki. And then, and Steve Trang Watchmen, Phoenix only Victor Heredia was Phoenix only younger, and then COVID changed that, because there was a point where everyone's deals got canceled. And so, you know, we had a thing started hustling, you know, finding other other other ways to destroy properties. And then we started talking to hedge funds. And so with hedge funds, you just you go in whatever market they're in, and their Buy Box, and that's what we would target. Steve Trang So you figure out where all the hedge funds at? Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang Figure out their buy box for each market. Victor Heredia Correct. Steve Trang And then market to those houses. Victor Heredia Yeah. Yeah, that's all we did. And that it worked for for a long time. Steve Trang It worked for a lot of people for a while. Yeah. And really well, Victor Heredia yeah. Steve Trang How's that part going? Victor Heredia So now they're still buying but their offers are I'm I'm gonna I wish I'm what I'm doing. I'm buying it myself and listening on MLS. Steve Trang Yeah. Victor Heredia So are just kind of hotel in it. Steve Trang Yeah. Victor Heredia All right. I'm even doing like a like cosmetic rehab, you know, paint carpet, you know, Steve Trang whether offers no longer makes sense for you Victor Heredia know, Steve Trang so did you turn off the marketing of those markets now? Or are you like, are you still going hard in those mark? Victor Heredia No, it was, so we shifted. So now I'm not buying so much based on that Buy Box. Now it's more the what we were doing three years ago. So just regular Steve Trang basics, Victor Heredia basics, more distressed properties. I don't care about the age, I'm buying pretty much anything, whoever is more likely to sell it like you ask yourself, like who's more likely to sell at a discount? Like who's that person? And that's what that's what we target Steve Trang to find avatar? Victor Heredia Correct? Steve Trang Yep. So then, are you back to Phoenix only or Victor Heredia no. So now we actually increased so now we're, I'm from San Bernardino, penal cattle, Pima County, Pima County, Maricopa, Texas. All the markets in Texas, Florida. Like, all the way to Florida, everything in between. So we're hitting private, like 26 states. 26 cities in Steve Trang California to Florida and everything in between, Victor Heredia except for we don't do Mississippi, and we don't do them at school. Steve Trang Why? Why don't you do Mississippi? Victor Heredia We haven't had much luck there. Steve Trang Yeah, I mean, the margins are pretty tough. Victor Heredia Yeah, we have to Steve Trang average views like 3000 or four years. Victor Heredia Yeah, that's pretty bad. And then New Mexico doesn't seem to be much demand. Steve Trang Man. We did Mexico. New Mexico. Victor Heredia Yeah, it was. It was rough. Rough. Yeah. Steve Trang Fortunately, we broke even. Victor Heredia Oh, that's good. Steve Trang Right, because we're spending 15k a month in marketing. Right. We just jump right in and 15 came on TV. Yeah. Fortunately, we broke even but man, that was brutal. Victor Heredia Yeah. Yeah, I've heard Yeah, we tried to do and we did one deal there. But it wasn't. Steve Trang Okay, so now you're still hitting a lot of markets across the country? Victor Heredia Correct. Steve Trang So how do you even manage all of that? I mean, it's, it's, it's got to be like, some sort of religious school nightmare. Victor Heredia Well, it is more worried. But so we're hitting very targeted data, right. So absentee. Depending with some added state a little bit more absentee high equity, right, that's really what it is. But there's only so many records and each city absentee out of state or absentee high equity, there's there's only so many records per city. So the more opportunities we have, the more the more leads and deals will get. So I want to pull that data in multiple markets to increase my my opportunities, right. It's all about increasing opportunities. So we hit that data in multiple markets. Steve Trang And I know that you've started to transition into wholesaling. Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang So is it like some markets you wholesale, some markets you wholesale? Victor Heredia No, it's all on price. So the reason we started wholesaling is we had we had two deals. One deal I had in California, the buyer, he walked it, and he's like, I'll take it. And so we got it for like 70,000. And we signed it for 96. I forget exactly. And then the day before closing, I think I was in a crossroads event. He's he tells me is I have any pictures. I'm like, Well, you already walked it. And you already signed the assignment. He's like, Yeah, but I didn't want the inside. I just want the exterior. I'm like, Well, we're closing on Monday. This is a Friday night. He said we're closing on Monday. He's like, Yeah, but I need pictures. I'm like, Dude, I can't get your pictures, right? Like the week that it's not gonna happen. Steve Trang Yeah, Victor Heredia I'm like, You know what, forget that. And so I just said, you don't have to worry about it. That's fine. I just cancelled the deal. And then so I closed on myself. So I had it for 72 We ended up you know, cleaning, painting it some minor stuff sold for 160. Yeah, so like, I'm gonna Okay, wait a second. Like, I gotta I gotta do this again. And so we did it on a couple other properties in Indianapolis. And now we're doing in Chicago. Now we're doing it and Alabama and so now, Florida. Now we're doing it as much as we can. Because the way I see it if if someone's going to buy Right now guys are buying is 65 cents on the dollar, some 70 If you're lucky, I don't know anyone that's selling that at 85 cents. Steve Trang Those days, those days, Victor Heredia unless there's a there's a good fund out there that's different. Steve Trang Those days are pretty much done for now. Victor Heredia For now for now. Yeah, they are going to come back strong. I think now, I think next year, they're gonna come back super strong. But for now they're done. So I'm thinking like, well, if, if it's 65% of ARV that he's gonna buy it. I'll just buy on my I'll be my own cash buyer. I'll just I'll get the hard money and then listen on MLS myself. So that's what I'm doing. Steve Trang Who's funding your deals? Victor Heredia So I got a couple funders that I worked with. So So now actually, I I offer money to now somebody wants a hard money we could we could provide them part of money. Steve Trang So then this is like a big company like chiave? Or this is like Victor Heredia private private private guys, Steve Trang private guys. Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang However, guys, new pockets. That will then you money on the deals? Victor Heredia Correct? Steve Trang And then you can also lend their money. Victor Heredia Correct. Steve Trang So how did you how did you develop those relationships? Victor Heredia I just would sell them a lot of deals. And then he was like, Well, hey, if you if one were to find somebody who deals let me know. And so I'm like, Alright, cool. Steve Trang Yeah. Victor Heredia And so I started finding my own deals. And then I got in touch with another guy in South Africa that that also does it. And And now, I mean, there's if if you just show them that, you know what you're doing, you know, you'll you'll be able to get funding Steve Trang right now. Now, along the way, you connected with some hedge funds. Victor Heredia Yeah, Steve Trang you know, it's funny, like, I bumped into you at the Ironman conference, right? Victor Heredia Correct. Steve Trang I were just hanging out. I'm just, I'm going there with my guys. You're going there with your I mean, your crew? Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang Even the guy or two? Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang You went there with your crew. Victor Heredia Collective greatness. Steve Trang Yeah. But you know, at some point you were working with hedge funds. Talk about that experience and how you got there. Victor Heredia So we had a deal that we had in in Austin, Austin, Texas. And it's a good market. But I just wasn't getting Steve Trang it was on fire. Victor Heredia Yeah, Reagan market. But on this property, it just wasn't getting that many offers. I'm like, well, that's weird. So I just kept looking. And then I, I started looking at buyers in that area. And then I found a buyer and I looked him up. And I'm proud of him. It says they own 23,000 properties. I'm like, Whoa. So then I it took me some time I figured out who they were. Because they don't buy the LLC name isn't the name of the company. So I was able to find them. And I just reached out to them. And I call them for three months straight. And they just wouldn't take my call, Steve Trang of course. Victor Heredia And then yeah. And then finally they're like, listen, reach out to this guy in Phoenix. And, and it just he just so happened to be in Phoenix. And so I call him we started chatting, we hit it off, and we ended up doing a ton business together. Steve Trang Yeah, Victor Heredia make a lot of deals. I don't 203 I don't know 10 deals, Steve Trang right? Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang But that's dry right now. Victor Heredia Yeah. Well, like I said, they're still buying but they're just the offers are low. Steve Trang Right? So we have to buy them even deeper, which makes even harder, which goes back to my just closed on ourselves Victor Heredia correct Steve Trang and listed. And at some point along the way, you became a cartel member and yester lift. Victor Heredia Yeah, we'll talk I think I was I think it was like Nick Perry was hard to remember. And then couple other guys and I think was one of the newer guys to join. Or the older guys that joined actually. Just yeah, Robert did a pitch test. And the guy's freaking genius. Steve Trang Yeah, Victor Heredia I'm like, Yeah, I'm in late. I'm pretty frugal. I'm like, my that's a lot of money. That's a lot of money. But I saw the value. And and yeah, it's paid for itself. Steve Trang Yeah. Like how much have you made using an investor lift? Victor Heredia Oh, man, I here's the thing I had, we haven't taken advantage of it like other companies have. Because our business was was hedge funds. So we didn't really need it, to be honest with you. But for all those deals that we couldn't sell to the hedge funds, it was still worth having, because I can still sell deals to you know, on the investor lift. So even though we didn't need it, like maybe other companies did, I it's still super valuable. So I don't know what maybe you know, 300,000 with it. Steve Trang I think it was was it you like we were talking about like there was one property and middle of freaking nowhere. It was like in Texas or New Mexico or something. And like, you couldn't find any buyers on Facebook or anything else. Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang And you you're able to Victor Heredia Oh, dude, I've sold deals in Washington State in the middle of nowhere on investor live in California. Like, yeah, we've sold a lot of it. Maybe it's more back maybe three 400,000 a year? I don't know. It's it's been quite a bit. It's definitely pays for pays for itself. Steve Trang Yeah. So and then I saw her in the notes. So you take full credit for for launching this podcast, Victor Heredia correct? Yes. Steve Trang Talk about that. Victor Heredia Now just get I think I just I planted the seed, but I didn't write so Steve Trang well. I mean, so it was really cool. I got to do a podcast I think Graziosi last month, right. So the end of July. Victor Heredia Yeah, that was cool. Steve Trang And Dean Graziosi. I was only at his event. Because this is right, right around the same time I met you. door knocking Victor Heredia correct Steve Trang right. So like I actually prospect people like I believe in prospecting. We don't just talk about it. Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang Right. It's I met you door knocking, right? And then you're like, hey, look, I'm going to this event. I got an extra ticket. I'll be my guest. Victor Heredia Yeah, Steve Trang sure. All right, what could hurt? Ironically enough, we're not ironically. But it was the same weekend as my grandmother's funeral. Right. So like, that wasn't planned, obviously. Victor Heredia Oh, that's right. I write that. That's right. Steve Trang But I literally went from the funeral. Right? to the event. Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang And that's when you know, we're sitting there. And there was two things that happen at that event. First one, we got to listen to Brendon Burchard. Victor Heredia Yeah, right. Steve Trang Talk about everyone wants to your story. Yeah, whatever. Right. And he's one of the things you said, like started podcast. I was like, I don't know. Like, maybe we'll start a podcast and I'll talk to you like, dude, Victor Heredia yeah. Is that what you told me? I'm like, Man, it'd be great to like, associate ourselves with all these guys that we knew were killing it. Right, Steve Trang right. Victor Heredia I'm like, dude, start a podcast. That's if you wanted to get to know them. That's the best way to do it. I mean, that. I mean, it's a no brainer, right. Steve Trang Obviously, you are accurate. Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang So everyone that's watching, you know, like, then send him I don't know, Starbucks gift card or something. Instagram, at least. Right? Victor Heredia Yeah. At least right. Yeah. Steve Trang At least because there would be no podcast. Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang If you didn't ask me to be your guest. Victor Heredia Yeah. Thank you. Appreciate that. Steve Trang Yeah, Victor Heredia yeah. Steve Trang The other thing, I had expressed frustration with you, because we had our own app offer fast. Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang Right, which got acquired by an investor lift. But we had our app. I was like, big like, I want to ship it. A team won't let me. Victor Heredia Yeah, Steve Trang they want it to be perfect. I want to be better. Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang And what were you saying? Victor Heredia I'm gonna do just do it. Like, he's doing? Steve Trang Yeah. So you're like sending me like images of like, or gifts? Like ship it? Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang Right. And I think all those I just forwarded to my team. Victor Heredia Yeah. That's funny. What would you know, like I said, right now, like Dropbox, which is a multi billion dollar company. When they launched, they didn't have a product. They created a sales video for their product. And they didn't have a product. And then they got enough demand for it like, okay, yeah, let's do it. And then they then they created it. So it didn't exist. So Steve Trang I had no idea. Yeah, but that's Victor Heredia actually I learned that from there's a friend of mine, Naveen Thera calm. Levine. He, he's very successful guy. He's got like 3 billion and exits. And I went to he had an event. And he was like, Yeah, most of these companies like, they don't have a product yet. They create the idea for the product and then do a sales video. And then if they get enough feedback, they'll get funding for it. And then once they get funding for it, then they they hired the engineers to create it. Steve Trang Yeah. Victor Heredia So I was like, wow, that's nuts. Like you wouldn't think he's like, it happens more than you think. It's pretty nice. Steve Trang So then I wasn't planning on doing this. Victor Heredia Yeah, Steve Trang I was just talking about it. Right? I posted in the Facebook group like, hey, you know, if we started a sales manager training program, who would be interested in this, right? Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang We talk about like, you know, if we can teach people how to onboard salespeople, or I'm sorry, sources, salespeople, because I mean, how easy is it source? Good quality salespeople? Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang Right. We can teach you how to source quality salespeople, how to onboard them effectively. So they'll be right. From day one. Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang Versus like, I just watched me. And if I trained them, and then we showed you how to effectively manage them. And then how to retain them. Because what happens to your top acquisition people when they leave? Victor Heredia Yeah, they they started their own thing. Steve Trang They compete against you. Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang Right. So if we could help someone do that, right. If I could find someone that was doing 100 wholesale deals a month, and bring them in to teach that. Is that something that you would buy? Victor Heredia Oh, totally. Right percent. Steve Trang So that's something that if I had enough people say, Yes, I do it. Victor Heredia Yeah, Steve Trang we should launch it. Yeah. Got it. Victor Heredia I totally 100%. Steve Trang All right. So we're working on that. Victor Heredia Yeah, Steve Trang we're in the final stages of negotiation. So all right, so then let's talk about we talked about, you know, the scaling component, right. So, we've talked about a high level, you're scaling, but let's talk specifically about your organization as it looks today. What does your company look like right now, as far as like, you know, all the seats. Victor Heredia So we got 25 people, total 20 are in house and then I got five outside I had I had 36. But the company wasn't doing well. So I just I stopped using them. So we had high 36. But now we got 25. So we got one, primary Acquisition Manager, then Spanish Acquisition Manager. And then we have two others that that one generates his own leads. And then one that hits up like dead leads, you know, not interested or your they lost interest and you know, trying to kind of revive them almost like a lead manager. And then everyone else is cold calling. And then I got two girls that texts. Steve Trang Got it. 25 Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang Salespeople. Victor Heredia Well, they're cold callers. It was called Condor. So there's four acquisitions Steve Trang that we are still selling. They're selling something. Victor Heredia Yeah, I do. I do train them a lot. Yeah. So yeah, I do train them a lot. Steve Trang Yeah, so 25 people to them texting 23 people on the phone one way or another Victor Heredia Correct? Steve Trang Yes, man. That's a massive army. Victor Heredia Yeah, pretty much. I mean, there's guys that are bigger, but I think I think we do. Steve Trang I mean, you're basically a call center, Victor Heredia correct? Yes. Steve Trang Right. Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang It might not be a massive call center but you're basically a calls Victor Heredia Yeah, basically. Yeah. Steve Trang That's nice nicer in house. Victor Heredia Well, in housing, we don't have an office here. But, but like, I don't hire outside companies. I do. But most of my staff is like works. I pay them directly. Steve Trang So then, of the you said, you know, 20 in house five, outside, so does that mean those five are outsourced? Victor Heredia Those five are outsourced? Yeah. Okay. Steve Trang When you say 20, is that VAs then or this? Like, these are 20. Americans? Victor Heredia They're, well, they're, they're Mexicans. Steve Trang Okay, Victor Heredia they're on in Mexico, except for one ones in the US. Steve Trang All right. Victor Heredia Is everyone else's in Mexico? So it's only me, me and and one other person Dominic here in the US everyone else's Mexico. And then we have five in Egypt. Steve Trang Okay. And then I guess are those in Mexico? Are these from your relationships? Victor Heredia Correct? Yeah. Steve Trang So like, because of the routes? Or? Victor Heredia Yeah, well, it's funny. Yeah. It's just by chance. So I was, we went down to Rocky Point. And then actually, Jacob blank and David blank at the time they, they went down there too, because I kind of told the story. I met with my, my wife's cousin. And his English was perfect. I'm like, he's never lived in the US has. He has he's, he's like, No, I'm like, His English is perfect. He's like, Oh, yeah, he works at a call center. I'm like, Oh, my Hey, do you want to call center? He's like, Yeah, like you want a job? And he's like, Sure. So I give him a job. He's like, Hey, man, they just closed a call center. There's 25 agents looking for a job and like, let's hire as many as we can. Steve Trang Yeah. Victor Heredia And so that's kind of how it developed. And then also, I used up work and you know, fiber looking for people. But, but that was how we built most of our team. Steve Trang happen to find one. Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang Cool. Call Center employee. Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang And then that one just happened to magically close? Victor Heredia Correct? Yeah. Steve Trang Nothing to do with that. Victor Heredia Well, no, I mean, I hired him. Steve Trang I'm just saying like, you know, like the whole. You were saying in the produce business. There's some some cartels in there. Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang And they're very suggestive in certain ways. Victor Heredia Correct. Steve Trang And you want to shut that down? Victor Heredia Yeah. Well, that's what we did. We had never opened an office down there. You know what I mean? Steve Trang Yeah. Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang Okay, so then, you got 25 people on payroll one way or another? Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang Selling? Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang What about the rest of the company. Victor Heredia So then, and then my wife does dispo. And she helps me with, you know, just a lot of dispo. And then we have another girl that's in St. Lucia that helps with that, as well. And then I have another assistant in the Philippines. It's been she's been with me since the beginning. So, and she's great. Her name is Josephine. And so she helps me with just a bunch of critical task and, you know, helping with data management, etc. And then we have another guy, and also in Mexico, that helps us with this bow is like my wife's assistant. So we have three people doing dispo. But I would say, you know, my wife's full time. The other two are more more part time. But also the one helps me manage a team of callers that we have in in the Caribbean as well. Steve Trang Got it. And then data, you say you feel has been really important. To your, to your, your journey. Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang We talk a little bit more about that. Victor Heredia Yeah. So you know, we just, I like to really analyze, where are those come from? So you just look at your deals, and okay, most deals come from, you know, this this year, built house or this type of seller. And so after a while you, you start seeing patterns, right? And so I'm like, Okay, well, so that's the pattern, I'm going to focus on that data. And that's what we do. We just we just replicate the what's working for us. Steve Trang Right? So where are you pulling data right now? Victor Heredia So we pull from Prop stream. I know some guys like list source more. I've used both. But I thought perhaps it was just as good. You know, every time I go to go to prop stream are looking for property, all the data is correct. It's pretty accurate. So I like it. Steve Trang Yeah, Victor Heredia I think I think literacy can be a little more technical with how you pull data. But since I'm pulling large amounts of data, it works for us. Steve Trang Yeah. So, you know, one of the things, you know, we use premium lists that, you know, supposedly, you know, I mean, we know it's we have a higher conversion rate. Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang But, you know, like, when we've used prop stream in the past, we've found that by the time it's impro stream, it gets like super competitive. Right? Are you finding that? Is it just because we're in Phoenix, that's the case or are you finding that like across the country? Victor Heredia Well, I mean, I think all these companies are kind of data aggregators, aren't they? I think so. I'm not sure if list source gets their data before perhaps who does? They might but I don't know. They just Steve Trang don't want this wasn't trying to like, you know, Oh, Dan tech investment machine. Victor Heredia Well, yeah. So that's it because that's like, that's, you know, our what? Artificial Intelligence I think machine learning is machine. Yeah. So, so that's really good data. Like I do know it, but it's expensive. But I don't that's good data. Actually, we're looking into that right now. Um, so yeah, I think that's that's definitely better than didn't, perhaps you, but you're paying a lot more money for it. Steve Trang We are. So then I guess my question is like, in our experience in Phoenix, Victor Heredia yeah, Steve Trang right. We look at dancing. We look at investing machine and we look at prop stream. We could talk someone out dancing and invest machine. Yeah. And we're like one of the few. Right? Column prop stream? It's like, you're the goddamn caller. Victor Heredia Oh yeah. Steve Trang All right. Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang So are you finding to have similar challenges in other markets? Versus when you guys are calling prop stream in Phoenix? Or is it like across the country? Like that list is burned? But like, Victor Heredia I think Arizona, Phoenix is more competitive than most Phoenix, Atlanta, Tampa, Orlando. Those markets? Yeah, it's pretty competitive. Steve Trang Yeah, Victor Heredia but we don't find that as much. But yeah, pretty pretty much anyone you call they're gonna be they might be talking to somebody else. So that's going to happen. Right. But yeah, I do think like, a glitch from from perhaps stream or list, or does it compare with Dad tick? Steve Trang Yeah. Victor Heredia Because you know, that the systems they use are just, they're really complex. And they're pretty powerful. Right? But also, you're paying, you know, 25,000 a year per county? Steve Trang Sure. So or whatever. 30,000 a year. Steve Trang So then with what prop stream? Is there any particular list that you really like? Or is it just I know, when we were using it a lot? It was properties with liens? Victor Heredia With the jail? Steve Trang Yeah. Victor Heredia Yeah. So no, I just I do absentee. Steve Trang Absentee Victor Heredia absentee high equity. That's because if it has a lien, it's gonna be thrown in there. Right. I don't like owner occupied and I have a lot of friends, you know, even guys in our mastermind collective greatness that that do owner occupied. I just think right now, like with interest rates, you know, almost hitting 6%, you know, a person isn't going to sell their house, you know, if they have a mortgage at 3%, to buy another house with a mortgage at 5.5%. That doesn't make sense. So I'm not gonna hit that data. It just to me doesn't make sense. Yeah, you'll get deals from it. I agree Steve Trang for sure. Victor Heredia But I rather not waste my resources and focus on someone that, that doesn't really care about the problem that that they don't care, but they're not as connected to the property as someone that's living Steve Trang a little more disconnected. Victor Heredia Correct. Steve Trang So then as far as texting or texting as an avenue, what are you guys liking right now for texting? Victor Heredia So everything we call we text. So apps, again, absentee high equity, Steve Trang or what tools are you using for texting? Because texting is kind of like, it's, I feel like it's Whack a Mole. Right? Like, this month? This works. Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang Next month, that works. Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang Like we're constantly shifting to text. Victor Heredia So we used to use batch. But then, you know, it's just it's getting more challenging. And so right now we're actually using roar. Steve Trang Using. So you went back to war. I mean, that back, maybe you go back to war, but like it we kind of go through like this journey, right? Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang We use Victor Heredia everyone was wrong. And then everyone went to batch. That was great. But I don't want to say too much. But But Roar is Steve Trang when you're back to war. Victor Heredia Yeah. Back to war. Yeah. There's a reason for that. So Steve Trang yeah. Victor Heredia And in a batch is a great company. You know, Jesse, you know, he's a great dude. But you know, but for texting. And we still use batch for all our data management. We still use batch, so we upload every batch. But we still use busy listening. Yeah, exactly. But but we still use batch for data management. But for texting raw, it just seems WordPress. Steve Trang Yeah. So I want to answer the audience's questions. Guys ask your questions. I'm going to ask a couple more. So I guess for me, just, you know, being really curious, because we're taking down more deals as well. Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang I don't love it. But Victor Heredia Correct. I love this. I do love the spreads. Steve Trang Buyers are crazy right now. Right, or our traditional buyers that we will sell to are being extremely cautious, which is like that's their business. That's fine. Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang But it's like they're all extremely cautious. Right. Right. Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang But the markets not crashing, at least we're not seeing signs of it. So how are you? I guess right now, how many properties do you have that you're actively Hotelling? At the moment? Victor Heredia So right now we actually, so we have 17. in escrow, we have four that we already I closed close on one today. On May 22, two days ago, I closed on another one like two weeks ago. And then we're closing on another three in the next, you know, 10 days. So we're doing that more and more. Because if someone offers me 65% of ARV I'm like well, then I just I'll just be my own cash buyer, because the market is correcting. Now, there's gonna be a lot of people say this is gonna be a 20% correction within a year is what they're saying. Steve Trang Really. Victor Heredia That's what that's what they're saying. But 20% over a year. yours, you know how much is how many? What percentage is that per month? It's not that Steve Trang one half maybe? Victor Heredia I don't know, half Steve Trang 1.6? Yeah, Victor Heredia so that's not that bad. I'm, I'm willing to take that risk. If I'm getting at a big discount, I'm going to take that risk. That's not bad. You know what I mean? So I'll just buy it. And Steve Trang yeah, everybody has 70. It's not worth it. Victor Heredia Correct? Yeah. I'm not going to sell it to someone else for 71 72%. You know? So it depends on one thing. I think it was Terry summers that said, if, if it needs more than 40,000, and rehab, he'll wholesale it. So I do keep in mind, if he needs too much work, then I'll just wholesale it. Steve Trang Yeah. Victor Heredia But if it's not too bad, I'm just going to put on the market. There's a property we had an Indianapolis. I think we had it for 175. I had it sold for 220. The buyer back down, or they defaulted. We kept their EMD. And I talked to the agent, he's like, Well, you could probably list it for 220. I'm like, why don't we listed for like, you know, 230 is I think you're too high. And I'm gonna just try it. And so we listened for 230 We ended up selling a 254. So right now, I mean, the best way it is to sell properties is on MLS. Steve Trang Yeah, Victor Heredia in my opinion. Steve Trang Absolutely. I mean, that's something that we preach a lot, you know, with, with the burr method, innovations, everything else. Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang So we're gonna jump into the audience's questions. Right. Before we do that, we're gonna do a quick commercial break. Unknown Speaker His sales training is unbelievable, right? There is other sales training, in theory, going through this stuff with how he breaks down his business is, this is like invaluable, because there's no other way to get this type of like this type of access. With someone who's such an open book about every little thing that is completely applicable to my business, Unknown Speaker anyone who wants to bring out business to the next level, anyone who wants to close 3040 50% More of the deals. I mean, there's no one who wouldn't benefit from being better at sales. Speaker 7 I mean, anyone in real estate, anyone, I mean, anyone that has any entrepreneur has a business. Not all the information may be presented to you, but time management, knowing how to work with people having sales skills, because I think we're all in sales and marketing. And it could present to anybody honestly, Unknown Speaker I would have to say it's asking questions. That's the biggest thing, you don't want to give an answer right away. And if you're able to answer their question with another question, and also that along the process is going to be very uncomfortable with talking to the sellers, asking the questions that you need to and digging for paying. But that's going to come with experience. So Speaker 7 it's there, you're struggling, I say this to David that you need to come to so make sure that you take your business to the next level. Steve Trang All right. So on Instagram, stay ready investor wants to know, what is your marketing budget? Are those 26 markets that you are in? Victor Heredia About 16,000 a month, about 16,000 Steve Trang is really low. Victor Heredia Well, that doesn't. That's just for the colors. It doesn't include data. Systems, I'd say probably 2023. Steve Trang I mean, we're talking about well, I guess there's a limit to what 10,000 records in Prop stream. Victor Heredia Yeah, but I always buy more. Steve Trang Right? Victor Heredia Yeah, always pay extra. Steve Trang Yeah, Victor Heredia I'm probably 25,000 a month. Steve Trang Yeah. 25,000 a month. Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang That's too bad. I'm paying one. Victor Heredia Yeah. Well, but if you're using like all Dantzig investment machine, etc. Yeah, that's more expensive. Steve Trang Yeah. Bernardo on YouTube says that he has zero experience in wholesaling. What advice would you give to someone? That's a beginner? Victor Heredia Well, education is key. Right. So I think now you have your courses, which are great. I think you have to if you're not willing to invest, you know, 500 1000 2000 into educating yourself. I mean, she's like, good luck. Right, Steve Trang right. Victor Heredia I mean, people pay, you know, 15,000 a year for college, and they get out of college, and they don't make much money, or very little right. And why not? Spend 1000 2000 on a course. I've spent, I don't know, 30 $40,000 in courses, I think masterminds more than that. Actually, probably closer to 50 G's. Steve Trang There's a lot more than that. If you were in Carlos this program. Victor Heredia Yeah. And then Sean Terry's I'm in his syndicate nine as well. And then I did a bunch of other guys, you know, programs and masterminds. So yeah, I'd say 50 50k Plus. Steve Trang Oh, yeah. You were at our very first event to Victor Heredia I went to your event and Chris roods Carlos and Sal. Steve Trang Yeah, I probably spent a lot more rather than just counting all of it, Victor Heredia probably not. No, I tried I, I try not to, it's gonna depress me. But it pays for itself. Oh, Steve Trang it pays for itself. by a large margin. It's funny you bring up college because, you know, I look at like the guru industry gets slammed. And for the bad actors, I think it totally guru. Industry should be slammed. I think guru tonight was slammed, but the industry that you know, has the bad actors that we're not calling out. Victor Heredia Yeah, Steve Trang could definitely be slammed. Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang But I think college is way worse. You know, you look at these people are walking out of college, a six figure debt. And their degrees are useless. Like you shouldn't be allowed to sell something that you know, is a bad product. And they talk about a liberal arts degree. I apologize for anyone that might have been here. But like a liberal arts degree that you can't do anything. We can't get a job. Yeah, but that degree is far worse. In paying some scammy guru. Victor Heredia I think education is key, but it it needs to be specialized knowledge. Yeah. If it's not specialized. I think you're wasting your time. Also, too, I think, you know, some ivy league schools are great for the network. The context, like that's huge, right. But yeah, it has to be specialized. If not, it's not worth it. Steve Trang Yeah. So but you talked about, you know, the going to, you know, an Ivy League school, right. So you're paying 50k a year, so 200 grand or 50? Grand relationships. Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang But you just cold call Amherst for three months in a row. Yeah. To get that relationship to have to go to Harvard to get that really know. Victor Heredia Exactly. Steve Trang Right. You just hard on grit. Victor Heredia Yeah. Just yeah. Just put the work in. Yeah. So just pick up the phone. Steve Trang Pick up the phone. So Ingrid, so just an article that we're in a real estate recession. I would love to know what that means. Exactly. Because I have no doubt that the market is declining. Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang I'd love to hear more about that. So people bball on Instagram. What platform do you recommend for a new wholesaler use for pulling a list? So you talked about prostitution versus list source a moment ago? Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang They're asking batch of Prop stream. Victor Heredia I know, I haven't used batch to pull this, but I know they're there. They have that now. I think it's a great company. I think you're good with both. Steve Trang Yep. Didn't really PC here. Really politically correct. Victor Heredia But I'm just being honest. I think Steve Trang I put a gun to your head, which one you're picking? Victor Heredia I haven't used a batch for data. So I probably, but no, but I think both. I mean, honestly, I use batch. I've been using batch for three years now or two years. Steve Trang I made her my team. I started them before we even won. Victor Heredia Yeah, Steve Trang so you know. Victor Heredia So I think batch is great. I think it's a great, honestly, like, my business will not function without batch and it wouldn't finish without prop stream. They put it that way. So Steve Trang yeah, I'm with you on that. So solinst trim on Instagram. Where are you skip tracing from? Victor Heredia So a data It's a credit bureau data. So it's it's actually my good friend Mike Martinez company. It's his Instagram is fkn might want Michael Martinez. He has a skip tracing company Steve Trang and very unique handle. Victor Heredia Because he's very, he's very aggressive. Steve Trang He is. Victor Heredia Yeah, Steve Trang super nice guy. Victor Heredia Super nice guy. The one of the nicest, genuine, most giving guys Steve Trang very hardcore, Victor Heredia but he's, he's aggressive. He likes he moves thinks he's the fastest mover. I know. I grew up you might have you. Have you done this? Oh, yeah. I started doing that two weeks ago. Oh, wow. Yeah, he just moves super fast. Steve Trang Yeah. Victor Heredia Well, that's why he doesn't Well, I mean, the guy does. He's probably the the most successful guy, you know. Steve Trang Yeah. And then Ingrid says loan application and now at a levels we were in the year 2000. That's interesting. Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang I got a couple people think you're the goat. So that's nice. Victor Heredia That's cool. I appreciate that. Thank you. But yeah, I think I think there is a we're in a recession already. I think there is a correction coming. Steve Trang They said technically, we're not in a recession. Victor Heredia Well, whoever said that it changes the rules, because that's not the case we are in and we're saying they tend to continue quarters have Steve Trang back in my day, right. That's what we call it. Victor Heredia Exactly. So yeah, but, but I do think it's coming out. Here's the thing, the stock market's crashing, every event gets appointed crashes really bad. It might bring everything down. But yeah, we're definitely in a recession and real estate's definitely coming down. I think it's gonna be 20 25% or less by next year. But you can still make money. Steve Trang I'm not worried at all about what's going on here. You're not worried about what you're reading what's going on in China? Victor Heredia I've heard some stuff. But what specifically? Steve Trang Are we remember at last, it was early this year or end of last year like that? They defaulted on? Like a billion dollar loan, right? Victor Heredia Oh, yeah. Every grantee Steve Trang Evergrande Yeah. Right. And now like everyone's defaulting. Victor Heredia I've been hearing rumors of that. Steve Trang I mean, it sounds like China could be going through worse than what we went through in 2068. Victor Heredia Yeah, Steve Trang or 2007 through 11. Victor Heredia So I follow a couple guys, because I because I am shorting the stock market. So I follow a couple guys and a lot of guys are extremely bearish on the stock market and the state of global economy's like people are like talking like really bad. I mean, I'm not really buying into it that much, but anything's possible. Steve Trang Yeah. Because you had your event. I got a chance to speak, which was Thank you for having Victor Heredia Yeah, it was great too, by the way. Steve Trang Yeah, Victor Heredia everyone loved it. So people, a couple people said they, they enjoyed yours, like more than everyone else. Because Steve Trang really, Victor Heredia because the way you discussed leadership, like how important leadership is, and it was really insightful. I'm like, Man, that's, that's really good. I even I thought it was really good. Steve Trang Yeah. Well, you know, you suck in something for 15 years. You learn a few things. Victor Heredia Exactly. Steve Trang Yeah. And I got to share some things I don't really talk about publicly but yeah, sharing some like, Victor Heredia yeah. Steve Trang Challenges and failures. In my own business. Victor Heredia Yeah, exactly. You're very vulnerable. Steve Trang Yeah. Yeah. So thank you for that. Yeah, I understand. Like, Preston Brown was there, Sean Terry was there. And I think those are the two that were kind of like, hey, like this market? It's gonna Victor Heredia be well, so it was pretty. Cody Sperber was there too. And he's very bearish on the market, too. Steve Trang Yeah, Victor Heredia they all are. Steve Trang So Victor Heredia like, everyone's bearish on the market Steve Trang pretty fast and see where this all goes? Victor Heredia Yeah, Steve Trang yeah. Victor Heredia But I'm excited because there's going to be opportunities. Like next year, there's gonna be a ton of deals out there. A ton of deals, like there's more foreclosures now. There's gonna be a lot more deals, people are gonna realize, oh, shoot, you know, the markets crashed and might crash more I need to sell. So there's gonna be a lot more opportunities next year. Also, once the market hits the bottom, the funds are going to buy heavy. The hedge funds right now like they're sitting on the sidelines with billions and billions of dollars. Well, they've told me this directly, Steve Trang and they're kind of like, letting the market freefall Victor Heredia correct. Steve Trang So they can buy deeper, Victor Heredia correct? Steve Trang Yeah, Victor Heredia yeah. Steve Trang That like they're like, oh, no, we're never gonna buy real estate again. Like, well, let's just all together stand on the sidelines. Victor Heredia Yeah, Steve Trang see what happens and then eat at the table. Victor Heredia Yeah, I think my friend Byron, and he said, fans are like, you know, the way they buy is green light, red light, green light, red light. There's no like yellow. There's, you know, they they buy and they start buying, Steve Trang there's no proceed with caution. Victor Heredia Yeah. So but right now, they're, they told me, we're just trying to find the bottom once we find the bottom, like, they're gonna they're gonna invest a lot of money in the market. So there's gonna be a lot of opportunities next year Steve Trang and Blackstone raise like $50 billion. Victor Heredia Yeah, Steve Trang right for this. Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang That's for me. Like, I don't really think that we're going to have this bottom that other people are anticipating. Now you mentioned, Victor Heredia I hope we do. To be honest, because it's going to be better for us, Steve Trang is gonna be better for us. Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang So you mentioned next year, there's even more foreclosures. Do you mean, there'll be more foreclosures as in bank owned properties? Or do you mean, there'll be more pre foreclosures? opportunities for us to purchase? Victor Heredia I think both. I think both. Steve Trang You think so? Victor Heredia Yeah, I think so. I mean, not like in 2008. But yeah, Steve Trang it's just gonna be so much equity. Like, yeah, like we had literally 30% appreciation. Victor Heredia Oh, I mean, no, I mean, everyone has, that's the great thing. So I like I didn't hold something 2008 Everybody was upside down. Steve Trang Right. Victor Heredia So it was hard to get those. Steve Trang Well, yeah. So you had the buyer, the trustee sale? Victor Heredia Yeah, back into Steve Trang That's exactly right. Victor Heredia But right now, I think there's a lot of people have equity, but if they're already defaulted on their loan, they're not gonna be able to refi you know, loan modifications aren't as as big as they were back then. So they're gonna have to sell. Right, so there's gonna be a lot of opportunities. I think it's coming. Steve Trang Yeah. Which is, it'll be interesting to see. I think it'd be a lot of pre foreclosures. I don't think it'd be as many foreclosures as we might, as you might think. That's just my speculation, though. Victor Heredia I don't think like not like 2002 dozen a night. Yeah. But but I think it'd be a good amount. Because here's the thing. A lot of people stop working because they get in we got all this money from from the government. Right. I know, you know, so. I think a lot of Steve Trang did they stopped working? I think they all started their side hustles I think that there I think that there was an uptick in wholesaling. After COVID Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang I guess speculation nothing to verify that on. I know the real estate schools got crazy. Victor Heredia Yeah, Steve Trang I think so. I think everyone that was like waiting to like, start my own business got the green light, because they get paid network. Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang So there's like all right, you know, that econ thing I was looking at that whole selling thing watching all these YouTube ads, and maybe I was thinking to jump into that right. And I don't know what other crazy other side hustle industries out there why maybe like, catch flipping, whatever. Victor Heredia Forex, Steve Trang Forex? Yeah, you know, day trading. Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang A lot of guys have gotten into crypto and they got crushed. Right. But there's I think there was a lot of people that became experts in one thing or another. Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang So I don't think they weren't working. I think they were trying their ventures some Victor Heredia I think a bit a bit of everything. Yeah. Because right now like, like, for example, we're like, we're gonna open up a collection agency here in town. We can't find staff. No one wants to work in Phoenix. Like we're offering a 15 an hour and no one's no one's coming in working Steve Trang hours minimum wage, do Victor Heredia ya know that? But still, no one wants to work. You were trying to hire guys that are 1920 20 Steve Trang Why are you having them do? Victor Heredia It's collections agency so it's gonna be a costumer? Steve Trang Yeah, Victor Heredia that's plus commission now plus commission. So no one wants to and I talked to my my wife's brother in law. He's like, Yeah, we try to hire people and no one's no one wants to do it. Steve Trang Yeah. Victor Heredia So maybe you can You know, the pay is too low? I don't know. But Steve Trang yes, that's I mean, yeah. Would you rather work in McDonald's? Washing lettuce, making fries, or get screamed at trying to collect that for 15 bucks? Victor Heredia If I could sit at a desk? I'd rather do that. But I mean, if you'd like McDonald's say that more. Steve Trang I'm just saying that yeah. And that's not quite minimum wage here. Yeah. And I think we're on our way there. Victor Heredia Is it 1275? Charles, I'm Steve Trang here. But I'm out of touch. So. Victor Heredia So I don't know. I don't know. I think you're a little more optimistic than I am. Steve Trang Yeah. But I think it's awesome. Right. Debt collection. That's, honestly, I've said this before, like, that's my favorite resume item. Right? Hire someone. Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang That's like the best experience you can get. Victor Heredia Yeah. Agreed. Steve Trang Edie on YouTube, what's the step for someone looking to succeed and crush it in the fourth quarter is called you out by name. Victor Heredia In the fourth quarter, like right now, you just you want to just call distressed properties and try to get them at a discount. It's really just getting on the phone. And I think it was Alex signs it said in a was really insightful. He says, like, as soon as I started focusing on helping the seller, and not getting the deal done, I started getting deals. So like, when you're on the phone with these, these sellers, you want to find the the problem and solve that issue for them. You want to be a source of assistance, right? And once you do that, you're gonna start getting the deal. So there's no magic sauce or special sauce is rather just getting on the phone and try to be helpful to the sellers that that needs to sell their property. Steve Trang All right. And you're in your opinion, this is from stay ready investor on Instagram, in your opinion, which market that you're in is the most recession proof. Victor Heredia Most recession proof. I think Florida is really good. Although we got hit really hard in 2008. But actually, don't you know what Texas? I think Texas is everyone's going to Texas, and Florida but more Texas, I'd say Texas proudly. Steve Trang I think Victor Heredia and I've heard that I've heard right now about the guys that are struggling. The ones that aren't struggling as much as is the guys in the Texas market. Steve Trang Really? Victor Heredia Yeah, Steve Trang I would have thought it'd been one of those markets where like, it's really rent heavy. Like Midwest. Victor Heredia Okay, so Cody did a presentation at our event. And he talked about, like the best markets for rents. It was really fascinating. I have to have to get it from him. It was really good, actually. So he talks about that. So there are specific markets that are really good for rent. Yeah. But I think in general, I'm hearing Houston, Dallas, Fort Worth San Antonio are are really good markets. Austin is coming down a little bit. But those markets are really strong. Yeah, right Steve Trang thing was on fire. Victor Heredia But the other markets are in Texas are doing really well. From that. We do a little bit of Texas, not a ton. Steve Trang Yeah, Ingrid, by the way, she's in our office here. Okay, she's licensed with real over here with us. So always an active participant appreciate her. Or you scorecard in the hedge funds to know when to know when there's a green light again. Victor Heredia So what we do we just submit, submit our deals, and then based on their bid, or I clean that that's not gonna work. And so we keep track of that. So you're still sending them deals? Yes. Steve Trang Yeah, Victor Heredia yeah. Because, you know, on some markets, maybe the cap rate is really good, the rents high, or they just really liked that zip code, or the school ratings are really high. And they'll give you a good offer. You just never know, we never want to stop doing business with hedge funds, even if they're average or low. We still submit those to them, you know, so because because we still see them as our clients. Steve Trang So the negative question for you, since you're mentioning that is how to how do people send deals to you, so you can send it to the hedge funds? Victor Heredia So I got a website. It's Vic So no menu bar, you click on it, and there's a Resources tab, and it has our resources. They had a summit deals, how to how to get a hold of me, etc. And there's also a submit submitted deal tab too. Steve Trang Yeah. Victor Heredia So and that's on my website. Big Karidian a duck. Steve Trang Yeah. So I mean, personally, I was really proud when I heard you like, oh, yeah, fix the guy. Like if you ever deal with an egg if you want to deal with you want to hedge when I feel like saying it? Victor Heredia Yeah, correct. Yeah. Yeah. Was somebody in Atlanta? I think at one point, I was renting like 2530 deals a month. Steve Trang I mean, it's pretty awesome. Victor Heredia Yeah, Steve Trang yeah. Victor Heredia Yeah. It was doing really well for a while. But then their offers started just, you know, but a good company. Steve Trang But we both come a long way since you know, yeah, we were just down the hall. It's kind of Victor Heredia it's kind of, it's kind of crazy. Like, how, like, when we first met, like, we were just starting, you didn't even have a podcast. Right? Steve Trang Right. Victor Heredia And it's crazy to like, I started doing business with Jamil and he, like he's blown up and then Hayes is like killing it. It's yeah. And then Carlos is doing really well. Like, it's kind of nuts. Does everyone want it? Yeah, but but when we met him, he was like, he was just like, Steve Trang just another guy. Victor Heredia Another guy, right? Yeah. I mean, he was he's super smart, though. Like, the smartest guys I know. But still, it's just crazy how Everyone has blown out. But it's it's beautiful to see right? Steve Trang It is absolutely is anger suggestion is to start a collection company. I want to say Medellin in Colombia and they got Spanish and English speakers. Victor Heredia That'd be a good idea. Steve Trang Yeah, Victor Heredia yeah. Steve Trang And then so USA homebuyers, which hedge funds are you working with? Victor Heredia So we submit to all of them so Amherst progress. There's roof. Roof stock, there's, there's quite a few different funds out there that are all, you know, buying. But right now their offers just aren't very strong. Steve Trang Yeah. So let's see that it looks like that's all the questions we got right now from the audience. Ingredion make the comment. It wasn't because Gavin was paying you now is because we were able to work remote, which gave more flexibility. That's a good point as well. So what is what is your why? Victor Heredia What is my why? Well, just to have a great life. I mean, I don't know to me, Steve Trang when you were working in produce? Victor Heredia Yeah, it was good. I enjoyed it. But But do you want to leave your mark? Right? Here's the thing, like, you know, not to get morbid, but like, you know, unless God comes comes and saves us, you know what I mean? We're not going to die, right? Steve Trang Yeah. Victor Heredia So you got to just create memories and live life to the fullest. And fortunately, or unfortunately, you need money to do that, right? Like, we just went to Italy for two weeks, the family. And it was, it was a blast, it was an amazing time. If it wasn't for the business, we wouldn't be able to afford it. Right. So like, if you want to make great memories, you want to travel the world, you know, have great food. You know, I've we went to Cancun a few months back with my wife, you know, here to her entire family, like her brothers, etc. And, you know, we and I paid for it. So like, if it wasn't for the business, I wouldn't be able to afford that. So. So my wife is just, you know, having a great life, but also to like, you need the income to do it. Steve Trang Alright, Victor Heredia so, I mean, my wife is just like living life to the fullest. That's, that's really what it's about. Steve Trang Yeah, it's a great point, making memories Victor Heredia and leaving a legacy for your, for your kids to Steve Trang what kind of legacy you want to leave for your kids. Victor Heredia Just, I think a good example of, of what I've done what I did my life, you know, I still got a lot more to achieve, right? But it's interesting when we, you know, I love Italy, but went to Venice, I saw the buildings and the structures that they built. It just blows your mind. And it's like, Man, I can't believe how these these guys built these freakin massive, beautiful, like buildings, Steve Trang right? Victor Heredia And didn't have the technology we have now Steve Trang the permit office. Victor Heredia It's not right. But it makes you realize to like, like, like, we're playing small. We really are. Steve Trang Yeah Victor Heredia , like, I mean, we're, you know, we talked about me being on the podcast before and I never really wanted to, because I just know, there's like so many guys that are so much bigger than we are like, we're just we're tiny, right? We really are. compared a lot of guys out there. So there's just so much more to do, you know, but there needs to be a balance to, you know, which I'm aware of my wife makes it clear to me. Steve Trang What kind of balance, Victor Heredia you know, between, you know, spiritual, you know, family, business, health, you know, needs to be a balance between everything Steve Trang you're talking about, you know, two weeks in, in Italy. I was telling you earlier, I'm trying to go to potentially go to Vietnam, two weeks, right? In March. And if you guys are listening, and you all you guys to send a DM to Khan because he won't go with us in March. So it'd be cool. You know, we went with Han, you know, for two weeks, and he shot me down, I sent him a text message. He shot me down. So if you guys are watching this, hit up calmly and say, Hey, like, you guys should go see his family. What's your biggest struggle right now? Victor Heredia Well, I think the struggle right now is like when you're, you're starting to fund and their offers are low then then you have to shift right? So that's the struggle we've had but we just shifted makes Okay, well then then find then we're going to find cash buyers and well they're not paying much okay, fine, then we're going to wholesale it ourselves or or actually hotel it ourselves or take it down and listen on MLS Steve Trang Yeah. Victor Heredia And so we're doing more and more of that. So now I'm actually buying deals from other wholesalers. So wholesalers send me deals. And if it works great now if they buy Well, I don't want to sell it you know, this will partner with them. They want to partner on it. So it creates more opportunities. Pretty much Steve Trang yeah, you know, we're talking about you know, buying houses ourselves. And now it kind of made this analogy to someone yesterday on the phone. It's a stupid analogy, but you know that movie I can't remem the name of the movie right with Tom Hanks, but like look at me. I'm the captain now. Right so it's basically like look at me I'm the buyer now like you're trying to buy this is what looking me on the Veyron. Victor Heredia Yeah, exactly Steve Trang removed Victor Heredia . Yeah. Steve Trang How do you measure success? Victor Heredia So this I know it's not good to compare but but I think comparison is it lets you know where you're at. Like for example, my you know, my cousin that was very successful. He had, you know, two 3000 You employees. And yeah, he was very successful. And it's a global company, and he actually passed away on my birthday. I think it was about a year ago. I remember. And, and just to see the impact he had on people like he was a big businessman, right? Very everyone knew him down in Mexico. But the impact he he, he had on people, like, you know, even a year later, you know, they give him a party, they did a video for him talking about how great he was and the impact he made on people and, and a year later, like, of course, his your family will cry for you, right. But a year later to see that his friends still cried for him, like his friends. Like, they still cry for him. Because it because of the person he was like, Man, that's, that's impressive. That's powerful. Right? So it just goes to show, you know, it's great to have money, but you know, it's it comes down to the quality person that you are. Steve Trang Yeah. And what is your superpower? Victor Heredia Oh, man, I I don't know what my superpower is. To be honest with you. I think. I think just I'm driven. I'm persistent. You know, that's, I think that's a big part of it. You know, and I think humility is a key also, I try to be humble. And that's one thing that I actually learned from from my cousin, we were, we were having dinner. And I asked him like, Well, how did you? How did you get to this level? Because, like, he was like, he really begged, right? You know, you've been to our office, you know, but the company any and he's like, Well, and I'm waiting for like, like this, like strategy rain that that I can implement. He's like, Well, number one, he was I was humble. I'm like, what? He's like, Yeah, I was humble. I'm like, I didn't get it. He's like, Well, he was I just seeked out the people in my industry that were doing well. Some of they're doing very well, some not not as well, but I seek them out. You know, I found out what they were doing. I learned what they were doing what worked for them. And I just added that to my arsenal. So I just I learned from everyone. I never thought I was too smart. So I learned from everybody. And I applied it to my business. And then and he became the biggest guys in his industry. Steve Trang Right. Victor Heredia And then he said he was focused, and that he never gave up. And so I was like, wow, that's interesting. So that's what I did. I was I was humble enough to and humble. So when people say being humble, is to have a low opinion of yourself. To me, that's not what humble is. Steve Trang How's that? Victor Heredia Well, that's what people say. Steve Trang Ridiculous. Victor Heredia Yeah. Well, that's what some people say. But that's that's a that's a also saying, Yeah, but that's incorrect. That's not humble. It's just not thinking you're superior to other people. Steve Trang Right? Victor Heredia You know what I mean? That's, that's humble. And so just if you think you don't know, at all, you know, then you're going to be able to seek people out to learn what you need to learn, to kind of take your your life and your business to the next level. So humidity is a huge factor. Steve Trang So I don't know if you remember, but we were out drinking late one night. And if I recall correctly, your wife suggested you a different superpower. Victor Heredia Okay, you remember, Steve Trang it was basically whatever I need. Vic knows a guy. Victor Heredia Oh, yeah. Steve Trang Right. Vic knows the next person that can help with this problem or knows how to get this taken care of. Right. Whatever problem you need fixing. I'm not saying bad situation to say whatever struggles you're dealing with wherever you need help with. Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang Big knows exactly. The guy that can help you with that. Victor Heredia Yeah, they'll care. Well, yeah, I'm pretty resourceful. I you know, I have a lot of friends. You know? Yeah, I'm resourceful. And, and I'm just able to figure stuff out, you know, either either figure it out or find someone that can figure it out. You know, so yeah, I think that maybe, maybe that's my superpower. Steve Trang Yeah, what's not? What's pretty common, is that if it's your superpower, EJ may not recognize it, because it comes easy for you. Victor Heredia Yeah. Yeah. Steve Trang Possible. Is that possibly what's going Victor Heredia yeah, actually not I think about like, the guys who collect the greenest are like mad victory knows everybody. Um, and I never never really thought about that. Steve Trang Yeah. Victor Heredia So but I think to a lot of is just being open to talking to everyone and, and you know, not thinking to yourself, you superior to anyone, and then also to you know, everyone wants significance. Right? So Steve Trang right, Victor Heredia if you give people significance or like you, so and I think maybe and I don't do it, to manipulate people, but you want to try to make people feel special. Yeah, Steve Trang I think I think the other thing too, is you dress like a good mafia figure. Victor Heredia Oh, thank you. Steve Trang All right. Victor Heredia Well, we're in black today. Steve Trang You're not wearing black today. Steve Trang But you're pretty you pull up pretty good. Godfather. What is the greatest lesson you've learned? Victor Heredia Oh, I've learned a lot. And what aspect of life I mean, I guess you'd have to be specific, Steve Trang doesn't appear in general right life business, whatever. Victor Heredia I think that number one, I think really is you have to believe in yourself. And, and, and you have to just like copy people that have achieved what they've achieved and just believe you could do it As long as you copy their, their model, right, so whatever that person has done, if you believe you could do it, just learn what they learned and implement it, and you'll be able to figure it out yourself. Steve Trang Yeah, Victor Heredia you know, I think I really think there's, there's no such thing as, as impossible. You know, of course, you can, you know, fly to the moon by by yourself, right. But you know, it just you have to really believe in your abilities to, to achieve and a lot of that comes down to your ability to figure it out. Steve Trang Alright, Sanchez says that you guys have another event coming up. Victor Heredia But yeah, yeah. So we're going to have, we're going to do a meet up at the Biltmore in October. And then we're going to hear in Phoenix, and then we're going to have another mastermind in November. So we don't have the exact dates. But we're going to post it on our on our website, which is the collective Steve Trang Yeah, next time. Let me know if you're paying for dinner. See, I would have just gone to dinner with you guys. Victor Heredia Oh, yeah. Steve Trang Right. You're like, Hey, we're going to match what we're doing one joins like I already made plans. Victor Heredia Well, yeah. Yeah. But so Yeah, usually, it's a nice dinner at masters or or Dominic's. And then, you know, pretty, pretty nice mastermind at a we rented a mansion. Steve Trang Yeah. Victor Heredia So everyone enjoy. Everyone said it was like one of the best masterminds they've gone to which I was, I was pretty happy to hear Steve Trang that. That's very cool. What is your favorite best or most interesting failure? Victor Heredia Most interesting failure? Well, I think a failure is just like, like me, where, I guess for me, it felt like if if something isn't working after three months, then then find something else, right. But the key is just to not quit. Like, I mean, failure. Like, I guess I can't say failure because like, I don't you only fail if you quit. So like, I can't really say like, it's a failure, because you just don't quit. Like if you're if you want to do something, you just don't quit, Steve Trang right? Victor Heredia You're not gonna fail. There's no such thing as failure. You just don't quit. Steve Trang So do you think that's potentially dangerous advice? For some people that really like, I don't know, like, maybe this is just never going to work for them? Victor Heredia Well, yeah, it's funny, you mentioned that because I will say it reminds me of a guy that I met. He's like, Yeah, I've been doing this for a year and a half, and I haven't been able to close the deal. And I talked to him, and I could see why the guy just didn't have the personality. He just, he was an introvert. Like, really bad, though. And so like, if you're you have to be and it's funny, Jamil said it to me, you know, we were talking and he says one of the most important traits of a person is awareness. Steve Trang Yeah. Victor Heredia So you have to be very aware of your skills, but also your weaknesses. And a lot of times, it's good to ask your friends like, hey, what do you think is my my strength, my biggest strength? And my biggest weakness? Because they'll tell you, Hey, this is your biggest weakness. This is your biggest strength. And you can work on that or avoid the weakness, right? So like this guy, I'm like, Man, I feel bad for him. I don't want to say it. Steve Trang He didn't say Victor Heredia no, I, I didn't get around to it. And I felt bad. I felt bad. And I want to tell him like, bro, like you what you want to do hire someone that can be your salesperson, you know, because he just didn't have that personality. Maybe he was super smart. Like he hadn't quit in a year and a half. So that tell told me that he was he had he had persistence, right. But also to if it's not working, like you got to you got to be aware of that. Okay, so why is it not working? Like what exactly isn't working? And then kind of you have to adjust and adapt your course. Correct? Steve Trang Yeah. Victor Heredia You know, you can't be like, stubborn about it. You know, Steve Trang have you asked that question to your friends, strengths and weaknesses. Victor Heredia It's been a while but yeah, but it's been it's been a while. Steve Trang So as a friend, I'm just kind of curious. What's your greatest weakness? Victor Heredia I can be a little stubborn, I guess. Maybe. I'm a little bit unorganized. Now. I'm a little I'm very unorganized. Steve Trang Yeah. Victor Heredia So, but I've gotten better at at it. But I'm not. It's not one of my strengths. Steve Trang Well start, right. It's one of those funny things, right. Because like, yeah, it's a weakness was also a strength. Victor Heredia Yeah, exactly. I call it being persistent. Steve Trang Yeah. Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang What was it? Was it the Ultimate Sales Machine? Right? Remember the author? Or at the moment? Victor Heredia Chet Holmes, Chet Holmes. Yeah, he actually he passed away from cancer, I believe Steve Trang was a cancer. I thought it was I was like a tragic car accident. Victor Heredia I thought it was cancer. Steve Trang I was one of those things. Victor Heredia I know he was business partners with Tony Robbins. Steve Trang Yeah. But he talked about like, you know, this characteristic. One of the most important traits is pigheaded stubbornness. Victor Heredia Yeah, I would say that but also to remember we mentioned it traumatic pain, like, like, Steve Trang elaborate on that because we're talking about that. Victor Heredia Yeah. What's the Joe Joe Polish had mentioned? Like they asked him like, what do successful people have in common? And he said traumatic pain. So like people that if you've been through the gutter, you've you've had a lot of trauma in your life. A lot of times he forces you to like, like, I don't want to live this way. I want to level up my life. Now thankfully, I you know, I had a good childhood. I didn't have a lot of trauma in my life, but At certain times in my in my life, I did feel belittled, or looked over by certain people. And I'm like, you know, that's not like Screw you. Yeah. But I'm going to show you, you know what I mean? So you so what you want to do. If you want to be successful, sometimes you got to take that anger and that pain that hurt that you've endured in your life, and you have to let it fuel you. You know, you have to use that as fuel. Steve Trang There's a person and yet, as we had Larry ash on the show, SEAL team leaders, his wife helped me pinpoint much how trauma right? And it wasn't, like, my childhood trauma. Like it's like pitons, right, compared to like, other traumas that people have gone through. Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang But their point is that well, if you've held on to it, for 47 years, Victor Heredia yeah, there's a Steve Trang might seem like it's pitons, but obviously it affected you. Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang And so I think there's a lot of power if you want it to, you know, pinpoint that. Victor Heredia Yeah, that'd be great. But also to that trauma. Somebody's you need it to drive you. Steve Trang Absolutely. Victor Heredia You know, Steve Trang yeah. Last question for you is what book have you gifted more than any other? Victor Heredia The Alchemist? Steve Trang Yeah, Victor Heredia that was really good. But I think it's well, Smith's favorite book, a lot of the people, I think that's a great book, but also to the 40 Laws of Power is really insightful. Steve Trang Yeah. Who's talking about that? There was someone here that just talked about 48 Laws of Power. Victor Heredia Yeah. Rule central book. Steve Trang Yeah, Victor Heredia I learned a lot from it. Oh, that's interesting. I'd like you start seeing like, oh, that he does that. And he does that. It's pretty good. But but I'd say the alchemist. Steve Trang Yeah, Victor Heredia yeah. Also the greatest salesman that ever lived by Augmon. Dino is really, Steve Trang really killing me here. Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang Yeah. Because like, those two books like are the two books I just really dislike. Victor Heredia Really? You kidding me? How funny Steve Trang I did a whole video on Alchemist. Victor Heredia Why is that? Steve Trang I felt like Alchemist is great if you need motivation. Victor Heredia Correct. It's a motivational book. Yeah, correct. But it's not tactical. It's not strategic. Steve Trang Yeah. Right. Because like, I struggled. I went to Sean Terry's event. Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang And like, it was like, three days, I believe. Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang Are two and a half days. And like the first day day in house, like all about mindset. Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang And it's like, give me the give me the good stuff. Victor Heredia Good. Yeah. Well, I think with you, I think because you're very driven. Steve Trang Well, that. Victor Heredia So you want tactics and strategy. Steve Trang Yeah. So I've come to learn is that most people actually need that. Victor Heredia Yeah. But you probably because I think the stuff you've gone through, Steve Trang yeah. Victor Heredia Like, you don't need that. You want tactics and strategies, Steve Trang right? Victor Heredia Which, which, when I read them, they were great. But now, like, the books I want to read now is tactics and strategies. Like I don't care to be motivated. But at that time, I really enjoyed my third grade books. Steve Trang Yeah, I think for someone that is like, you know, like, how do I find more time? How do I get more? I think that's a great for motivation is affirmations. Right? I mean, that the greatest salesman ever was what Victor Heredia a great salesman that ever lived, Steve Trang right? ever lived. Right. I think is great for affirmations. I think someone that like needs to be gets their mind. Right. Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang Is a great book. Victor Heredia Yeah. But the guy stories, two things in there. Yeah, there's no taxes. But but the thing is repetition. Repetition is the mother skill. So you hear something over and over and over again, it's it starts to stick. But you know his story, right? Like, oh, my God, you know, he was homeless for three years. Steve Trang I don't know that story. Victor Heredia Yeah. So he was homeless for three years. In order to stay warm, he would go into a library. And he started reading books. So he read books there for three years. Steve Trang Yeah. Victor Heredia And that's what got him to be not homeless. And then he became, like, successful. And then he wrote that book. Steve Trang It's probably more inspirational than the Victor Heredia Yeah, so maybe that's why I liked the book so much. Steve Trang Yeah. Victor Heredia You know, because he was homeless for three years, Steve Trang because he was one of the publishers of Success Magazine. Victor Heredia Yeah. Steve Trang Right. Like he was one of the top publishers or the owners for some period of time. Victor Heredia Yeah. So I think that's why I liked that book, too. Steve Trang Yeah. Victor Heredia And then also, too, there's, there's a quote, I will, I will persist until I succeed. And it goes on to say, like, he's not, you know, he's not a sheep. He's a lion. He's gonna persist until he succeeds. And Steve Trang yeah, Victor Heredia and that's how you have to live your life if you want to be successful. Steve Trang Absolutely. Like I said, I mean, there's some powerful affirmations in there. It's just when I was listening to I thought, there's gonna be like, tactical Victor Heredia Oh, yeah. Yeah, well, yeah, that's not the book for you Steve Trang Yeah. So I'm gonna make a few quick announcements while you think about what you want to leave the listeners with. Guys. I think there's a lot of value here. Right? I'm bias right vix a good friend of mine. As you can tell by the way we've talked to one another. But I see for the seven people watching I see 16 likes 16 Thumbs up so you guys should know what's the comments like smash the like button right subscribe, share comment on it and then leave a five star review on iTunes because the RJ Bates is telling people to leave three star review so five star review thanks yeah, not right great friend. And then we do have our sales masterclass if you guys are interested in learning from us and our sales process, how we've helped, you know, hundreds people buy 1000s more houses go check that out. And we don't pardon the disruption tomorrow, be on the lookout for that. And we got Josh, dig Loski coming in next week. And if you're not familiar with Josh, and ERC, he helped me get an extra $50,000 for free from the government. So I mean, if you guys are interested in getting free money from the government, right, it's like the question mark guy, right? Like, we're interested in that, like, check that out, because it's legitimate. What are some last thoughts you want to leave the listeners with? Victor Heredia Um, I think just the key is really, to educate yourself and take massive action and not and not give up. That's what it is. But, but education is key, right? So like, we're starting a coaching program, you know, that's what we have collective greatness. Our coaching program is rei Launch that with Mike, Michael Martinez and John Ramsey. And so that's just it's gonna be like a, like a wholesaling course. And then I have my website, which is Rick, which has some resources, there are some of the tools that we use that we use every day that I think people can can take benefit from. Steve Trang Absolutely. And then if some somebody wants to get a hold of you, what's the best way to do that? Victor Heredia So my Instagram is Vic dot createa. It's H ER e di, and then the website is Vic Steve Trang Awesome. Perfect. Thank you so much. Victor Heredia Thank you, man, Steve Trang for coming. Thanks for making this show. Hat and Victor Heredia thank you, Steve Trang guys next week, CBB Steve trang. Jeff on the steam train. We Real Estate disruptors Transcribed by